SPLAOID: Series 2

Muu nimi/muut nimet: Splaoid series
Lajityyppi: non-fiction
Vuosi: 2000
Kuvaus: Linda visits the Big Idea science centre at Irvine and Penny relives her trip to Dublin. Meanwhile, Duncan dodges the gunge in another game of Smoig [Source - Radio Times] Programme 14
Avainsanat: television children / television entertainment / Gaelic / Scottish Television, France 35 (Sponsor)
Sisältölähde: National Library of Scotland
Oikeudet: In Copyright
Tuotantoyhtiö: Scottish Television, INA, France 3, Fleurus-Tardy, Club D'Investissement Media, Tele-Hachette, Societe Radio Canada, SSR, RTBF, Centre National De La Cinematographie
Väri: Colour
Sound: With sound
Language: en